Blast Off!

Posted Thursday, June 01, 2006

That heading has two meanings. First, I'm thrilled (and more than a little relieved) to say that the iLife '06 edition of my book is off the presses and making its way through the distribution labyrinth right now. Some readers have already written to say that they've received the copies they preordered back in February. Yay! Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for the kind words. You know who you are.

Second, I want one of these: it's the Oracle, and it's a model rocket with a video camera built into it. The Web site says it requires a Windows PC, but I'll bet the movies it creates could be used on a Mac, too.

You can watch some sample videos at the company's home page.

Now that the book is done, I'll be turning my attention to this site. Look for some details on iWeb 1.1.1 within the next few days, and more frequent updates thereafter.

We have liftoff!