Posted Monday, April 12, 2004

Chatting About eBay Tonight -- Join In!

Tonight, I'll be participating in an online chat at the World without Borders site. No, tonight's chat isn't about iLife. It's about eBay -- specifically, about selling on eBay.

I haven't mentioned here that much, but I recently coauthored a book on eBay selling with my friend and business partner Toby Malina. Sell It on eBay is a roadmap to successful online auctions. Its design is very similar to that of my iLife book -- a full color, innovatively designed book that tells you exactly what you need to know to clean out your attic and make a few bucks in the process.

Oh, and set the TiVo -- Toby will be appearing on TechTV's Call for Help this Wednesday to talk about eBay. We're regulars on the show, usually making an appearance every month or so.

What's an iLife guy doing co-authoring a book about eBay selling? It's simple. Selling on eBay lets me satisfy my addiction for digital cameras.

Let's chat tonight!