This site is the online companion to my book, "The Macintosh iLife '06", published by Peachpit Press and Avondale Media. If you like this site, you'll love the book. Learn more.

Now shipping! The iLife '06 edition of my book is off the presses and beginning to ship; you can order it from Amazon for 37 percent off the cover price.

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Sell It on eBay: A Guide to Successful Online Auctions, Second Edition, by yours truly and Toby Malina.

Completely revised and featuring the same beautiful, full-color design as my iLife books. Learn more or buy from Amazon for just $16.49 (34 percent off).

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Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Posted 12:53 PM  

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

Please indulge me while I toot my own horn just once more. Amazon has published its Best Books of 2003 list, and I'm happy to say that The Macintosh iLife made the top ten in the Computers and Internet category.

In fact, it's the only Mac book on the list.

I'd like to thank the Academy, but that wouldn't be appropriate. It's the many thousands of Mac lovers who have bought my book who deserve -- and have -- my gratitude.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Posted 7:26 AM  

Amazon Is Now Giving Away My Book/DVD

Well, not quite. But Amazon has discounted the book even more -- it's now selling for 35 percent off the cover price, more than it's ever been discounted before.

The Macintosh iLife: An Interactive Guide to iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD can now be yours for $19.49 -- $10.50 off the cover price. That's $19.49 for a full-color book and a 90-minute training DVD that works together with it. And it's eligible for free shipping on orders of more than $25. (The answer: buy two!)

I don't usually blatently plug the book in these postings (oh, I plug it alright, but with a bit more subtletly, or so I like to think). But 35 percent off -- such a deal! I thought you'd want to know, what with the holidays right around the corner and all.

And after you buy, don't forget to get your free iTunes 4 and iTunes Music Store update. 18 full-color pages, same beautiful design as the book. Your free PDF awaits you.


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